
Change of Registrant / Ownership on .AU domain names You can change the contact details on a domain at any time, but the registrant information is... Domain Privacy on .AU domain names Some Top Level Domains (TLDs) allow you to enable domain privacy to hide/secure your details from... How Do I Find My Name Server Information? If you registered your domain name with us at the same time you ordered your hosting, then your... How To Forward My Domain To Another Domain If your domains are registered with UpTime, and not attached to any hosting, you can forward them... How To Park My Domain If your domains are registered with UpTime, you can park them for free until you are ready to use... Protecting My Personal Information When you register a .com domain name your registration information is added to a public directory... Registering an AU domain name as a Trust When attempting to register or complete a change of registrant on an AU domain name using a Trust... Reset or Edit my Nameservers When you order a domain name, you will be asked what nameservers you would like to use. Setting... Setting up catch-all email forwarding. If you would like all emails for your domain to be forwarded to other email addresses you can set... Why Do I Need An ABN To Register a .AU Domain Name A common question for new clients is why they need an ABN to be able to register a or... How To Cancel A Domain Renewal If you no longer need a domain name, you can request that it not be renewed. Note: If you need...
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