When you register a .com domain name your registration information is added to a public directory called WHOIS.
Third party companies scan this information and use it as a marketing source.
You can protect your personal information when registering a .com domain name by adding ID Protection to your domain name.
Follow these steps:
- Log in to our Client Area:
https://clients.uptimewebhosting.com.au/ - Click on the Domains box:
- Click on one of your active .COM domains:
- From the MANAGE menu click on ADDONS:
- Order ID PROTECTION. Note that we currently do not charge for this service.
- Complete the check our process and your domain ID information will now be protected.
.COM.AU domain names can not be protected this way.
Instead, it's recommended that you set up a separate email address for your .com.au domains such as domains@yourdomainname.com.au